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About Us

We have been writing stories for the web for more than 20 years. We love to create brand stories, a living, breathing journey about you and your brand.

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Our Mission

Our mission is to tell a brand’s story so readers see the values and sense of purpose of the people behind the brand.

Brand Followup

Followup Stories

We tell followup stories that build on a previous press release announcement, filling gaps a press release cannot cover. Without media followup, a press release is just self-promotion. A followup story is longer, bringing out the missing parts that were not covered or were only hinted at in the release. Our followup stories last much longer, supported by multimedia elements.


Brand Identity

Our stories help solidify brand identity, the combination of the brand’s name, logo, graphics, colors, tagline, voice, positioning, and personality.


Third-Party Validation

Third-party validation by an independent journalist supports the brand, building credibility, the missing element that press releases do not provide.

Photo by Peter Jones on Unsplash

Featured In The News

Build Trust, Grow Business

Small business people have a different problem to larger enterprises that already built trust. Entrepreneurs and solopreneurs such as coaches, authors, e-commerce builders and affiliates, often have the problem that they are virtually unknown.

We change that by telling their story across our network of 200+ name-brand TV and radio station sites. Then we get followup stories or interviews published as well, reinforcing the person, the business and the brand.

Our followup stories are supported by multimedia elements, social proof and third-party validation by independent journalists, building credibility, a key element that small businesses need to sell more products and services.

Get In Touch

Get In Touch


9 Edwards St.
Murray Bridge, SA 5253


+1 (775) 241-8446 ( Nevada, US ) 

+61 8 8531 0254 ( Australia )